At Ghent University there are binding conditions and measures for study progress monitoring whereby re-enrolment can be refused.

The following study progress monitoring measures can be taken if you are enrolled for a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme, preparatory programme or linking course:

  1. Binding conditions and refusal to enrol for contracts to obtain a diploma If a student has obtained credits for less than 50% of the personal enrolment curriculum (i.e. a success rate below 50%), a binding condition will be imposed upon the next enrolment for the same study programme (regardless of the language variety). The contents of the binding condition referred to in 1° will be determined in the Education and Examination Code of the academic year in which the student enrols again for the same study programme (regardless of the language variety). For the academic year 2022-2023 the student needs to have obtained credits for at least 50% of the personal enrolment curriculum. If the student does not meet the above-mentioned condition, s/he is not allowed to enrol with a contract to obtain a diploma for the same study programme again (regardless of the language variety), nor is s/he allowed to enrol for the general introduction preparing students for different study programmes.
  2. Refusal to enrol at Ghent University Regardless of the contract type and any previously imposed binding conditions and whether or not these conditions were met, enrolment for the study programmes at Ghent University will be refused for students who, after 3 years of enrolment, have acquired less than one third of the ECTS credits that they took up during those enrolments.
  3. Refusal to enrol for contracts to obtain credits For contracts to obtain credits, enrolment is refused for students who have enrolled twice for said course unit without obtaining the credit certificate. This provision is valid irrespective of whether or not the previous enrolment was under a contract to obtain credits or a contract to obtain a diploma.